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SI: Rodil sem se v Sloveniji, v poletni julijski vročini leta 1990. V življenju sem zmeraj vedel eno stvar: svoj čas želim preživljati s konji. Ob druženju z njimi se je rodila ljubezen do fotografije. Čeprav mi je mama svoj analogni fotoaparat zaupala že kot šestletnemu otroku, se je moj pogled skozi objektiv resnično začel šele pri petnajstih letih z razvojem digitalnih fotoaparatov. Konji ostajajo moj najljubši motiv, svoje področje fotografije pa sem zelo hitro razširil še na portretno fotografijo. Najpogosteje in najraje sem fotografiral svojo babico in dedka. Prav od oseb, ki so mi najbližje, sem se največ naučil. Nikoli nisem obiskoval šole za fotografijo in fotografskih delavnic. Nikoli nisem bil preveč tehnični fotograf. Večino tehničnih znanj sem usvojil ob svojih napakah. Raje kot pri teoriji sem sedel na pašniku in fotografiral konje. Nekatere stvari še danes ostajajo enake. Bolj kot opremi svojo pozornost namenjam motivu. Všeč sta mi enostavnost in naravni izgled. Tako večino svojega dela izpeljem z enim ali dvema objektivoma in z enim virom svetlobe. In še zmeraj vem eno stvar: želim živeti povezan z naravo, v družbi živali in zanimivih ljudi, na različnih koncih sveta. In ob tem posneti še kakšno fotografijo.

EN: I was born in Slovenia in the summer heat of July 1990. I always knew one thing: I want to spend my time with horses. By spending time with them my love of photography was born. Although my mother trusted me with her analogue camera when I was six, my look through the lens only really started with the development of digital cameras, about the time when I was fifteen. Horses remain my favourite motif, however my field of photography quickly expanded to portrait photography. My grandma and grandpa were my most common and most favourite models. The people who are my closest are the ones that I have learned the most from. I never visited any photography schools or workshops. I was never a technical photographer. I gained most of my technical knowledge through my mistakes. Rather than sitting at theory, I sat on the pasture and photographed horses. Even today some things remain the same. I put more focus on the motif rather than the equipment. I like simplicity and natural looks. That is why most of my work is done with one or two lenses and one source of lighting. And I still know one thing: I want to live my life connected with nature, in the company of animals and interesting people, in different parts of the world, taking pictures. 

© by Bine Šedivy

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